Everyone is welcome to join the Tuesday meditation session in the magnificent traditional Tibetan temple at the Peaceful Land of Joy Meditation Centre.
Most Tuesdays – a mid winter break from early July, recommencing on Tuesday 23 July.
This very relaxing and peaceful session is for an hour from 11.00 am to 12 noon each Tuesday. Paul Sokolich will lead the sessions with other teachers from time to time.
After the session you are welcome to join us for a chat and cuppa with delicious morning tea offered.
There is no need to register. The centre’s gates at 20 Cookes Road, Yuroke (off Mickleham Road, Yuroke) will open at 10.45 am. You can enter from the back of the temple.
There is a facility charge of $10 per session, $5 concession. All proceeds support the upkeep of the temple and gardens.
For more information please email events@tushita.org