17-18 August retreat weekend

THE FIVE FORCES – MEDITATIONS FOR LIFE Online and onsite The brief essential instruction is: blend the practice of one life with the five forces. Of the instructions on mahayana transference, the five forces are the most important practice. Geshe Chekawa, Mind...

One day retreat – Saturday 13 July, 2024

THE FOUR IMMEASURABLES with Michael Joseph Onsite and online A central practice The four immeasurables are a central Buddhist practice for training the mind and for developing a good heart. They are found in the paths of both sutra and tantra. Tantric sadhanas...

Recent events

Pictorial coverage of some of the many amazing events at the Tibetan Buddhist Society in late 2023 and early 2024 A marvellous gathering in November 2023 to celebrate the recent identification of Geshe Loden’s reincarnation, Loden Rinpoche Special teachings with...