Winter Retreat Registration

This year’s winter retreat will be led by Les Sheehy, resident teacher and director at the Tibetan Buddhist Society’s Perth centre, on the topic of Lojong (developing positive mental attitudes with mind training).

This retreat is suitable for both experienced Buddhist students and newcomers. Primarily a residential retreat, some commuting and online attendance options are also available – see below.

To register, please complete details below, then pay with your credit card.

Please note that you do not need to enter any personal details to view the cost of the retreat — choose how you will attend, the appropriate rate (standard/concession) and the duration of your planned attendance to display the amount.

Registrations close: 12 noon, Monday, 3 June

If you are a TBS (financial) member and wish to use your annual retreat discount voucher, please write to us first at (ie, don’t complete this form).

* A red asterisk indicates the field is compulsory to finalise registration



This retreat will provide a complete teaching in lojong, and we recommend that you commit to attending as much as you can from the beginning of the retreat. The last day you can commence the retreat is Sunday 9 June; however, you can do just the first weekend if you are unable to do the whole week.

Staying on-site generally affords a deeper experience. On-site retreaters attend six sessions of guided meditation and talks each day. Shorter-day options are available for those commuting to the centre or attending online.


To confirm your retreat registration, please pay with your credit card, then press Submit
Cancellation Policy
A requested refund due to change of mind will incur a 3.5% fee to cover the credit card charges incurred by TBS.