Tibetan Buddhist Society Melbourne
Peaceful Land of Joy Meditation Centre
Classes and Retreats
Buddhist meditation Melbourne classes are held at the temple in Yuroke. Many classes are also available online. Covering a range of topics from simple introduction to meditation to advanced meditation practices, classes are based on Geshe Loden’s Tushita Publications books.
Over a few weeks, the introductory series explain Buddhist principles such as the nature of the mind, the causes for happiness and unhappiness, and provided guidance on how to develop a mindfulness and meditation practice.
Path to Enlightenment
The Path to Enlightenment series presents the entire Buddhist path, extensive instruction on meditation techniques, the nature of the mind and the nature of happiness and unhappiness, how to cultivate a good heart based on compassion, and explanation of conventional and ultimate truth.
January, Easter and mid-year retreats
These are live-in retreats that provide the opportunity to explore meditation practice, and to enjoy the serenity of our beautiful grounds and temple. Suitable for new and also experienced students.
Vajrayana classes
These are the advanced meditation practices of Vajrayogini and Yamantaka for experienced students who have received the appropriate empowerments. During the class we practice the meditations from and recitation of the sadhana, with explanation of the Generation and Completion stages from Geshe Loden’s books.
Vajrayana retreat
There are 2 or 3 week live-in retreats for experienced students who have received the appropriate empowerments. During the retreat we complete the 100,000 mantra commitment, and conclude with the fire puja.
If you would like, you can make a donation for the online classes.