Facility Charge – Pay Online Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.You can attend classes each week or intermittently as it works for you. There is no need to register in advance to attend the Sunday or Tuesday classes – please pay as you attend each week. You need to register to attend the vajrayana classes in the first instance. Once your registration is accepted, you can attend classes in the weeks that suit you. Please pay as you attend. Classes are $10 each ($5 concession) whether you attend in the temple or online (ie, evening vajrayana classes). We rely on class payments to continue to offer the classes. Thank you for your support. Name *FirstLastEmail *ClassBuddhism & Meditation (Sundays 1.30 pm – 3.00 pm)Path to Enlightenment (Sundays 4pm – 5.30 pm)Meditations on the Path (Tuesdays 11 am – 12.00 pm)Vajrayana (Mondays and Wednesdays 7.30 pm – 9.00 pm)OtherClasses are $10 each ($5 concession)Class Date/sName of second attendee (if you are paying for more than one person)Please select the amount$5$10$20$30$40$50Another amountOther amount A$ *Contribute a different amountMinimum Price: $5.00Would you like to receive our emails? If you are not currently on the mailing list but wish to receive announcements about classes, retreats, events, and our twice-yearly newsletter, please tick the box (and if you don’t mind also provide your phone number in case there is an issue with the email address). CheckboxesPlease add me to the mailing listPhone numberPayment Please pay with your credit card, then press Submit. You will receive an email from the Tibetan Buddhist Society and a receipt from our payment provider, Stripe. The Tibetan Buddhist Society does not retain credit card details. Credit Card *CardName on CardTotal$0.00will be charged to your credit cardSubmit