Tibetan Buddhist Society Melbourne
Peaceful Land of Joy Meditation Centre
Tushita Publications was established to preserve the Buddhist teachings, as passed through the great lineage masters to Geshe Acharya Thubten Loden. Geshe-la placed great emphasis on ensuring his books provide reliable translations and accurate interpretations of the original Indian and Tibetan texts. The books are presented from a perspective and style that are clear and accessible to Western readers.
Each book includes many translations of original verses, as well as specially commissioned line drawings of the various lineage holders.
All classes at the Tibetan Buddhist Society are taught from these books. Path to Enlightenment titles can be purchased in our temple shop and our online store and other titles can be purchased by contacting Tushita Publications directly at contact@tushita.org.
Essence of the Path to Enlightenment
This book presents a clear & structured explanation of the key concepts of Tibetan Buddhism & a straightforward introduction to the lam.rim teachings. This title explains in a series of practical steps the methods that can be used by anyone, whatever their situation, to follow the path to enlightenment.
Path to Enlightenment in Tibetan Buddhism
In this book Geshe Loden combines the intellectual rigour of Tibetan scholars with a clear and easy to understand presentation of the progressive stages of spiritual development. It covers the full breadth and depth of Tibetan Buddhist philosophy with clear explanations of how to put it into practice.
Meditations on the Path to Enlightenment
This book presents the full range of lam.rim subjects according to the traditional methods and presents many quotations from classic Buddhist texts. It provides detailed instructions in each chapter for meditation on each subject on the stages of the path.
The Fundamental Potential for Enlightenment
One of the most inspiring tenets of Mahayana Buddhism is that all beings have the potential to be enlightened. This potential is linked to the fundamental nature of the mind of every being. It explains how this potential is transformed into the state of enlightenment and gives precise definitions and explanations.
Prayers for the Path
Compiled and translated by Geshe Acharya Thubten Loden, this book has 17 sections covering Geshe-la’s favourite prayers, dedications and sadhanas such as those of Shakyamuni Buddha, Maitreya Buddha, Manjushri, Medicine Buddha, White Tara, Vajrasattva and the consciousness transference of Amitabha Buddha.
Please note that this book is only available to those with highest yoga tantra initiation.
Great Treasury of Mahamudra
In this book Geshe Loden presents the essence of meditating on emptiness from various perspectives within the sutra and tantra systems. With extensive translations of source material, it shows how to develop the mahamudra view realising emptiness of persons and phenomena.
Please note that this book is only available to those with highest yoga tantra initiation.
Ocean of Indivisible Method & Wisdom
Drawing on a vast range of authoritative sources with particular reference to the works of the renowned Yamantaka yogi-scholars, Geshe Acharya Thubten Loden presents his authoritative commentary on the generation and completion stages of the highest yoga tantra method of Solitary Hero Vajrabhairava.
Please note that this book is only available to those with highest yoga tantra initiation.
Path to the Union of Clear Light & Illusory Body
This book is Geshe Loden’s extraordinary commentary and practice manual for Vajrayogini practitioners. It provides detailed explanation of the Vajrayogini tantras. and gives a very clear presentation of the essential points for the practice.The book also includes translations of both the short and long sadhanas.
Please note that this book is only available to those with highest yoga tantra initiation.
Great Treasure of the Six Yogas of Naropa
Within the secret treasure house of highest yoga tantra instruction, the six yogas of Naropa have long been held most dear to the heart of great yogis. The six yogas are presented as the yoga of inner fire, illusory body yoga, bardo yoga, clear light yoga, the yoga of consciousness transference and the yoga of forcible projection.
Please note that this book is only available to those with highest yoga tantra initiation.