Nine stages of concentration

If we genuinely wish to achieve enlightenment to free ourselves and others from suffering, we need to give some serious attention to developing calm abiding. Shantideva said: All the recitations and austerities, even though performed for a long time, are quite useless...

Using the five forces at the end of life – Part two

The five forces are five simple methods for bringing Dharma practice into every aspect of our daily life. They can also be adapted to help us prepare for the end of our life. In short, the five forces are: 1) the force of beneficial intention 2) the force of...

Transforming the mind of anger

“Anger is the ultimate destroyer of your own peace of mind.” – His Holiness the XIVth Dalai Lama of Tibet. For many people anger or any of its siblings – frustration, impatience, annoyance and irritation, exasperation or touchiness – represent giant...

What is love, actually?

Love is such an evocative word. Throughout the ages countless poems and songs have been written about it. In many cultures, it’s seen as essential for spiritual growth, and deep down most of us want to know love. However, often the ‘love’ referred to in literature...

Compassion, the wellspring of happiness

When asked to write this, I pondered: what value are words about compassion? Especially as everywhere you look in life, actual kindness shows its wonderful face. Like the sun breaking through a cloudy sky, its presence is pervasive and irrepressible. You see it in a...