Tibetan Buddhist Society Melbourne
Peaceful Land of Joy Meditation Centre
There are many ways you can get involved with the Tibetan Buddhist Society’s community efforts to benefit other people.
We warmly welcome new volunteers to join our friends, students, supporters and directors who help present our program of teachings, retreats, festivals, garden days, events and activities. Please also see our volunteer hub for further details.
You can support the Tibetan Buddhist Society’s activities by becoming a member of our Supporters’ Association, or renewing your current or lapsed membership.
The launch of the new Tibetan Buddhist Society membership program now entitles members to:
- Free attendance at our Vesak, Christmas and New Year dinners
- Use of our extensive library
- Class attendance vouchers valued at $10 each
- Retreat discount vouchers valued at $30 each
- Family membership that covers all members of the family
Find out more about the range of memberships and how you can join here.
The community food charitable program established by our founder Venerable Geshe Acharya Thubten Loden provides nutritious food and support for people in our local area.
Our fortnightly free Sunday lunch program at the Banksia Gardens Community Services Centre in Broadmeadows has served more than 5,500 meals in a welcoming and friendly environment since it started in 2011 (www.banksiagardens.org.au/community-support-broadmeadows/community-lunch).
At this stage we have sufficient volunteers for the Banksia lunch program.
If you wish, you could make a one-off or regular donation to support the program. The Society carries all administrative costs
Please email contact@tushita.org or call the centre on 9333 1770 for more details.
Anyone who can spare a few hours on a Saturday morning will be welcomed warmly to join our regular efforts to keep the traditional Tibetan temple sparkling clean and maintain the beautiful Peaceful Land of Joy Gardens.
You can learn about the dates of our garden and temple working bees by visiting the calendar.
The garden working bees and temple cleaning are all held on Saturdays between 10am and 12pm, interspersed with morning tea and followed by a memorable lunch. If you can join, please email events@tushita.org or phone Anna on 9333 1770 (please leave a message).
Please explore other ways of becoming involved in the TBS at our volunteer hub.