Tibetan Buddhist Society Melbourne

Peaceful Land of Joy Meditation Centre


What is bodhichitta?

What is this extraordinary concept of bodhichitta? It is variously translated as the mind of enlightenment, the spirit of enlightenment and the awakening mind. Maitreya explained bodhichitta in his Ornament for Clear Realisation “bodhichitta means: for the sake of...

Meditation – how it can help

Meditation these days is widely promoted as a way for achieving improved health and happiness. People are writing articles with advice on how to develop a meditation practice and there is a proliferation of apps to help you get started. Some say that practising 10...

It’s your karma!

It is common these days for people to refer to karma. People say that something is ‘good karma’ or ‘bad karma’ or ‘it’s your karma!’. In general, the idea that your actions have good and bad results beyond the immediate moment is correct, but there are probably a...

The meaning of ‘Buddha’

Yes – there is a textbook answer, which we’ll come to. But it’s more interesting to first think about what the idea of “Buddha” means for human beings in practical terms.Through self-reflection, most of us feel that we have some positive qualities and habits, and some...