We are always delighted to welcome new volunteers in any of the areas below. If you would like to help in any of them, please let us know by filling in the volunteer form or contacting us (see where to start).

If you have interests or skills (e.g. professional, trade, publicity, admin or other) that you’d like to offer, but are not included in the areas described below, please phone 9333 1770 (and leave a message) or let us know about them via the volunteer form and we will be in touch.


The garden is large and beautiful. Maintaining and developing it is a labour of love for our keen gardeners!

Gardeners come together on Saturday mornings from 10am –12pm to chat over weeding or other garden projects. If you can’t make it on Saturday morning, please talk to us about arranging another time.

Garden stories are shared over a delicious lunch afterwards. You are welcome to bring your own gloves and tools, although we can provide them. Please call before coming, as sometimes gardening is cancelled due to other events.

Garden open days are held once a month on a Saturday from 10am to 1pm for the public to enjoy the beautiful gardens. These dates are listed on our website calendar. You might like to come along and chat to visitors while you tend to the garden during this time.

Temple cleaning 

The magnificent traditional Tibetan Buddhist temple needs regular cleaning to keep it looking beautiful.

We hold regular working bees on a Saturday morning from 10-12.30 with a variety of tasks available according to people’s interest and capability. Cleaning materials are provided, and the working bee is followed by a delicious lunch. The working bee dates are available on our website calendar and are also advertised via email if you are on our mailing list.

Events and classes support

We have a busy calendar of classes and events, which requires lots of background effort. We are always keen to get support with events and classes, both beforehand with promotion and admin, and with setting up on the day.

If you like baking, we always welcome cakes and other tasty treats to serve to people coming to events and classes. It helps if the items can be frozen, so they aren’t wasted if not needed on the day.

Festival support

We hold two weekend festivals a year, with a variety of talks and activities, including tours of the temple, garden tours, children’s meditation sessions, a café, and shopping opportunities at our Enjoyment shop and other stalls. 

If you are on our mailing list, you will be notified about upcoming festivals.  You may like to put up your hand to be on a roster for helping on the day at these events.  All help is gratefully received!  The festival group is also very keen to welcome newcomers to the planning and organizing team (see more about teams).

Retreat support

We hold several retreats over the year – from shorter one–day and week–long retreats, to longer retreats for more experienced meditators. There are several ways you can support these retreats by helping with cleaning, preparing beds, cooking etc. 

Charitable activities

The Tibetan Buddhist Society has an ongoing association with Banksia Gardens Community Services in Broadmeadows. We currently cook and serve Sunday lunch every two weeks to those in need and provide food for the weekly homework club. Help is appreciated with set-up and serving of lunch.

Helping in the Enjoyment shop

The Enjoyment shop in the temple foyer has a beautiful range of gifts and Buddhist books and items. The shop opens when classes are on, and during events. We welcome help in the shop during opening times.

Property maintenance 

The residential buildings and temple require a lot of ongoing maintenance. If you have skills that would help, a trade, or an interest in supporting building maintenance, your assistance would be very welcome!


If you have skills and interest in Dharma writing, editing and/or design, the centre prepares two e-newsletters per year, distributed to the mailing list of the Tibetan Buddhist Society, and archived on our website. Please see more about teams if you’d like to be involved.

Other activities

Separately from these regular activities, members of our TBS volunteer community also do things such as host visits from schools and community groups at the centre, make outreach visits to other organisations, support TBS community members experiencing ill health, make prison visits, support the accounting, administration and compliance needs of the centre and its Tushita publications wing, donate money and food for charitable activities, and of course, teach and lead classes and retreats. 

Additional centre activities also happen within the teams, such as the community support, newsletter and communications strategy teams (see more about teams).