Complaints Process – Tibetan Buddhist Society Melbourne

The Tibetan Buddhist Society seeks to encourage the values of love, compassion, generosity, ethics, patience, joyous effort, wisdom, and non-discrimination, and seeks to protect the health, safety and wellbeing of everyone within the Tibetan Buddhist Society community.

 All those within our community should feel safe and be treated with dignity, without discrimination, bullying, harassment, sexual harassment, victimisation, or racial or religious vilification.

 Dharma teachings provide a path to achieve such aims and remind us to be of benefit to others and ever vigilant in our sense of universal responsibility by not adding to the suffering of others through our body, speech and mind.

It is the aim of this policy to promote speedy resolution of grievances through a process where complaints will be handled compassionately, fairly, consistently, and equitably.  While experience shows that is not always possible for complaints to be resolved in a manner so that all parties are satisfied with the outcome, we aim to ensure that the process meets the standards in this document. 

It is expected that discussion of grievances be limited to those who can assist and support all parties reach a resolution.  Current directors of the Tibetan Buddhist Society will be made aware of complaints as it is part of their responsibility as directors to be aware of grievances and to ensure this procedure is applied.  Directors, and any other person involved in handling a complaint, are required to treat all information about a complaint as confidential and not to use or disclose that information in any way other than as set out in this procedure.  It is expected that everyone will endeavour to use “Right Speech” i.e., to speak honestly and refrain from gossip, harsh words and using divisive speech.

 Complaints process

  1. It is expected that the person making the complaint has attempted to communicate respectfully with the person/s involved and made every reasonable effort to resolve the issue to the satisfaction of all concerned.
  2. If the matter remains unresolved, or the person with the complaint feels unsafe or uncomfortable approaching the person concerned, they can initially have a private conversation with one or more directors to decide the best course of action, and/or present details of the grievance to directors via the  As much detail as possible is preferable, including person/s involved, dates, times, location/s, any witnesses, attempts at a resolution, impact of the behaviour, desired outcome and suggestions for how desired outcome could be achieved.
  3. The grievance will be acknowledged in writing as soon as practical and no later than 5 working days from receipt of the formal notification.
  4. Two or more directors (who are not part of the complaint) will manage the complaints process and will meet and discuss the best course of action and will inform the person making the complaint
  5. A response may be requested from the other person/s involved at this point, if appropriate.
  6. If considered appropriate in the circumstances, a mediation meeting will be arranged by the small group of directors, with all parties to address and attempt to resolve the complaint.   
  7. If an agreement or solution to the problem has not been reached through mediation, or if mediation is not appropriate, the small group of directors will advise those involved of recommendations and actions required to affect a resolution.  Relevant person/s will be informed.
  8. A follow up process will be agreed upon with all parties to monitor outcome of the actions implemented, and the wellbeing of those concerned.

May 2022
